Reviewing 2016 & Outsourcing

November 30, 2016 By Cheryl Savit

© Can Stock Photo / Ford_PrefectHard to believe that tomorrow is December 1st! Where did this year go? The expression “the years fly, the days crawl” certainly applies. Plans for 2017 are already taking shape. As the year winds down, I am going to take some time to review 2016. What we did well. What we need to improve upon. I will be asking my clients to help me assess.

In the meantime, I know this very minute that there are tasks that I detest. Some of them I outsource because I know that I need the help (bookkeeping, accounting, everything financial!). Because I am collaborative by nature, I like to bring people into my tent/tribe. This is a positive trait that I will continue to cultivate.

I stopped working with one of my coaches a couple of years ago, Cindy Barnet Loughran, and began some work with another in 2016, Anne Weiskopf. Time to re-evaluate and strategize the coaching I will need to move forward.

In 2016 I joined a few new Facebook and LinkedIn groups and continued to network. I also joined the Boston Business Women‘s group. I have met many wonderful women and design industry professionals in the past year. Since I enjoy meeting new people and making connections, this is a practice that I will continue to nurture because you never know where it might lead! I highly recommend that solopreneurs and small business owners join groups, network, and seek professional mentors and advisors.

Professionally and personally, it is time to take stock of what serves me well and to jettison that which doesn’t. I’m a big proponent of the Pros vs. Cons list method. As I am a visual learner/person, it helps me to see the words in black and white. And taking the time to write out the list helps me think it through.

Finally, I want to set some goals for myself for the coming year. I feel as though I am almost at the pinnacle of my career. I have great confidence in the knowledge and experience/expertise I’ve gained in the past decade, especially in the area of marketing and PR in the home design industry. Although it is satisfying to be acknowledged, I have to work really hard here at keeping my ego in check and being content to stay in the background (never an easy spot for me to hangout)! I prefer for my clients to get the accolades and I am proud that this has been a winning year for Feinmann and Audio Video Design.

And now, back to work! Best wishes for the holiday season.
